Saturday, March 12, 2011

windmills, shibuichi and a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SAFIRA!

I've finally managed to see my first windmill today on the way to Marzee Gallery. A truly Dutch experience and the country side is definitely very flat.
Once we found Marzee there was an overload of work to admire and lust after. Some personal favourites for me were anything by Robert Baines, Chequita Narah and Inkyoung Hwang. All had a different style, techniques and materials that they worked with and I'm still trying to decide what it was about the works by these people that kept making me go back to find more of their work in the storage drawers. The other thing that I noticed was that when I was going around looking at various work and I hadn't read the card, I was still being drawn to their work and then realising that it belonged to one of them.
But Marzee not only had jewellery on display but also vessels and one that caught my eye was by Coilin O' Dubhghaill which was made of shibuichi. The other thing that was interesting was the exhibition area by Hilde De Decker. Although she wasn't selling work that was finished in the traditional sense there were pieces to buy and was also helpful for me in giving ideas on how work and concepts can be presented.
After this we went and saw Sylvia's work in ''True Colours-New traditional Jewellery" exhibition. That also was really interesting. Hope to have some photos up in the next few days showing some of the stuff I've talked about.
Finally Happy Birthday Safira! Sorry we were not there but we will have cake already for when we get back.
Hilde de Decker

Gijs Bakker from the exhibition 'Remember Me'

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