Friday, March 18, 2011

Day Two of Exhibition Hopping

Exhibitions, Galleries and Studio's Visited today:
Helen Britton : Catalogue Book Launch, Wittenbrink Galerie, Laura Deakin's Studio, Henrietta Schuster Galerie, Bettina Speckner, Italian Jewellers Exhibition.

Highlight of the day for me:


We all have our own ideas and ideals when it comes to the studio we envision as young jewellery students that we could one day have. Though there is no conceived "could" it is all I "will" have a studio space like this! Ignored is the person that tells us we are fools in our daring to "dream" as I have the perfect example of how dreamers can succeed! Laura Deakin's Studio! 
It was an amazing experience to witness how a fellow Aussie girl has fared overseas in our chosen field of expertise! A boost to all us little dreamers that it can happen, and a well appreciated voice of experience, that perseverance is key, and an honest opinion that it will take sacrifice in most aspects of life to get there. I don't know how exactly Laura feels right now with her work and studio life but I certainly left there with a sense of satisfaction!   

Though admittedly going in there I was not too familiar with her work, Laura was more than happy to show us her works and candid in her answering of our tiring questions I'm sure, I can not stress enough how beneficial it was to me and I'm sure my classmates to experience such a studio space and a jeweller more than happy to answer any question we threw! Laura's work was amazing, it was exceptional to be holding the pieces themselves and see the concept behind them come into life in your hand as she explained everything behind them, from the concept, to the material choice, what worked, what didn't and how it was solved, to the honest opinion if satisfaction was acquired from the pieces or if a continued exploration is required! As we all understand the need to satisfy ourselves from an idea and concept and the limitless amount of works we are ever willing to make to acquire such satisfaction!

A small mention as I previously said I am a Dreamer, the music and tea served was the epitome of what makes me happy whilst I am making works in my "studio" (room) at home, it gave me a sense that I am really on my way to where my Dreams wish to take me.. student for now, but after visiting Laura Deakin and her studio, the future holds endless possibilities!! 

Laura Deakin
"Conuropsis Carolinensis" 1918
Brooch 2010
Polyester resin, steal thread and pigment

Laura Deakin
" Coua Delande" 1834
Brooch 2010
Polyester resin, Thread steal, Pigment

Laura Deakin
"Confused Necklace - Pearl Necklace"
Brooch 2008.
Pearl necklace, polyester resin and pigment

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